The closing date for this job submission has passed.

Job Description

Are you a highly motivated researcher with expertise in signal processing, wireless communications, and statistical machine learning? If so, we invite you to apply for our postdoctoral researcher position within the COPS project: Comprehensive Privacy and Security in IoT/CPS, funded by the Research Council of Norway. We seek candidates with a deep passion for research and demonstrate the potential to excel in various cutting-edge research areas within the emerging field of IoT/CPS. These areas include meta-learning for heterogeneous systems, networked federated learning, privacy-preserving machine learning, Byzantine-resilient learning, and robust resource-efficient distributed optimization.

The ideal candidate has:

* Strong background in signal processing, machine learning, or wireless communications
* Substantial research experience documented with peer-reviewed scientific papers (at least one IEEE Transactions)
* Excellent analytical, technical, and problem-solving skills
* Excellent verbal and written communication in English

Join a dynamic and international group at NTNU - the largest university in Norway - situated in beautiful Trondheim. We offer a friendly and creative environment and a competitive salary.

Deadline July 15, 2023. Follow the provided link for more information and application submission.

Job Information

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Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Topic Categories
Trondheim, Trøndelag, Norway
Closing Date
July 15, 2023