The closing date for this job submission has passed.

Job Description

The positions will be a part of the ERC Advanced (2022) – HI-Audio (Hybrid and Interpretable Deep neural audio machines) project, which aims at building hybrid deep approaches combining parameter-efficient and interpretable models with modern resource-efficient deep neural architectures with applications in speech/audio scene analysis, music information retrieval and sound transformation and synthesis.

The potential topics include (and are not limited to):
- Deep generative models, adversarial learning
- Attention-based models and curriculum learning
- Statistical/deterministic audio models (signal models, sound propagation models,…)
- Music Information Retrieval software platform development (R&D Engineer position)

Job Information

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Telecom Paris, Institut polytechnique de Paris
Topic Categories
Palaiseau, Essonne, France
Closing Date
Aug. 31, 2022